Welcome to my website!
Here you will find the portfolio of a photographer
and the CV of a theologian.
The two occupations have a lot in common, such as:
1. both should point to God:
the nature I photograph is God's general revelation
while the Bible I teach is God's special revelation;
2. light is essential to both:
photography is about catching the right light in nature
while the Bible is about getting to the Light of the world - Jesus;
3. both require effort and research:
to capture the right perspective on nature I need to observe it
while to understand the Bible I need to study it.
4. both need assistance:
in photography you need a camera to capture an image
while in theology you need the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible.
5. both should be enjoyed:
I enjoy creation by glorifying the Creator
while I enjoy the Bible by applying it to my daily life and teaching it to others.